¼ red or pink apple, cored and sliced into wedges
Place two apple slices on a cutting board. Poke down through the middle of each apple slice with the pointy end of a 12-inch wooden skewer. Lift up each skewer and slide the apple down near the bottom, being careful not to poke your hand with the skewer’s point (each skewer will have 1 apple slice).
½ green pear, cored and sliced into wedges
Place four pear slices on the cutting board. Poke two slices of pear onto each skewer and slide them down next to the apple (each skewer will have 1 apple slice and 2 pear slices).
1 purple plum, pitted and sliced into wedges, 10 small strawberries, hulled, 2 clementines or mandarin oranges, peeled and pulled apart into segments
Repeat poking and sliding to add 3 plum slices, 4 strawberries, and 5 clementine segments onto each skewer.
10 small strawberries, hulled, 12 green grapes, 4 mini chocolate chips
Now make the caterpillars! Poke and slide 6 green grapes onto 2 more skewers. Add 1 strawberry to the end of each skewer for the caterpillar’s head. Press 2 mini chocolate chips into each strawberry for eyes.
Devour, just like a hungry caterpillar!